Version 3.3.0
Date 23:47 22/12/2023
Compiler cc (Debian 12.2.0-14) 12.2.0
Logical cores 4
CPU name Raspberry Pi 4 / BCM2711 / 4x Cortex A72(ARMv8) @ 1.50GHz
Comment Raspberry Pi 4 / Debian 12 / No cooling / BCM2711 / 4x Cortex A72(ARMv8) @ 1.50GHz / Year 2019


Overall score





MP ratio x4.0



MP ratio x4.0



MP ratio x3.7


Non optimized Single core Multi core Quad core Workstation
Maximum 461185018501728
Average 231925925848
Geometric 208832832762
Harmonic 187747747684
Minimum 98.9405405372
# Kernel name
1. Hydro fragment 369147014701353
2. ICCG excerpt (Incomplete Cholesky Conjugate Gradient) 26410541054974
3. Inner product 235922922838
4. Banded linear equations 242962962885
5. Tri-diagonal elimination, below diagonal 203792792722
6. General linear recurrence equations 150583583545
7. Equation of state fragment 461185018501728
8. ADI integration 24910281028956
9. Integrate predictors 343141014101303
10. Difference predictors 115463463428
11. First sum 101405405376
12. First difference 113446446409
13. 2-D PIC (Particle In Cell) 98.9409409372
14. 1-D PIC (Particle In Cell) 121478478435
15. Casual Fortran. Development version 246987987918
16. Monte Carlo search loop 179715715660
17. Implicit, conditional computation 351138613861234
18. 2-D explicit hydrodynamics fragment 234942942848
19. General linear recurrence equations 189752752673
20. Discrete ordinates transport, conditional recurrence on xx 357142414241295
21. Matrix*matrix product 118475475431
22. Planckian distribution 420168016801546
23. 2-D implicit hydrodynamics fragment 25810341034937
24. Find location of first minimum in array 134536536486


Optimized ratio x4.4

Optimized score





MP ratio x3.5



MP ratio x3.5



MP ratio x3.1


Optimized Single core Multi core Quad core Workstation
Maximum 300910194101947731
Average 1192418641863584
Geometric 1008353235323104
Harmonic 855297429742676
Minimum 296952952909
# Kernel name
1. Hydro fragment 2457897589756929
2. ICCG excerpt (Incomplete Cholesky Conjugate Gradient) 1267463746373555
3. Inner product 1302438443843743
4. Banded linear equations 1037362336232989
5. Tri-diagonal elimination, below diagonal 518192519251701
6. General linear recurrence equations 798265426542252
7. Equation of state fragment 278810194101947731
8. ADI integration 3009970797077681
9. Integrate predictors 1943689068905936
10. Difference predictors 901319231922648
11. First sum 654220322031880
12. First difference 1100356635662886
13. 2-D PIC (Particle In Cell) 296952952909
14. 1-D PIC (Particle In Cell) 606181218121703
15. Casual Fortran. Development version 991365036503389
16. Monte Carlo search loop 879318531852977
17. Implicit, conditional computation 943346734673271
18. 2-D explicit hydrodynamics fragment 1404507150714862
19. General linear recurrence equations 541199119911941
20. Discrete ordinates transport, conditional recurrence on xx 944354835483324
21. Matrix*matrix product 2075710671066440
22. Planckian distribution 770266026602461
23. 2-D implicit hydrodynamics fragment 1001364036403436
24. Find location of first minimum in array 390143414341376