Version 3.3.0
Date 05:14 23/06/2024
Compiler cc (Debian 12.2.0-14) 12.2.0
Logical cores 2
CPU name Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E6400 @ 2.13GHz
Comment Intel Core 2 Duo E6400 @ 2.13GHz / Conroe / 2MB cache / 64-bit Linux Debian 12


Overall score





MP ratio x2.0



MP ratio x2.0



MP ratio x2.0


Non optimized Single core Multi core Quad core Workstation
Maximum 536110211021103
Average 281573573573
Geometric 260527527527
Harmonic 241487487487
Minimum 141264264264
# Kernel name
1. Hydro fragment 437996996996
2. ICCG excerpt (Incomplete Cholesky Conjugate Gradient) 307590590589
3. Inner product 262527527528
4. Banded linear equations 277565565565
5. Tri-diagonal elimination, below diagonal 227543543543
6. General linear recurrence equations 193385385385
7. Equation of state fragment 536106610661066
8. ADI integration 387783783783
9. Integrate predictors 522110211021103
10. Difference predictors 175358358359
11. First sum 171333333333
12. First difference 141344344344
13. 2-D PIC (Particle In Cell) 143264264264
14. 1-D PIC (Particle In Cell) 178312312310
15. Casual Fortran. Development version 235467467467
16. Monte Carlo search loop 223446446446
17. Implicit, conditional computation 426872872872
18. 2-D explicit hydrodynamics fragment 271544544544
19. General linear recurrence equations 233465465466
20. Discrete ordinates transport, conditional recurrence on xx 398789789788
21. Matrix*matrix product 184367367367
22. Planckian distribution 334666666666
23. 2-D implicit hydrodynamics fragment 331654654653
24. Find location of first minimum in array 159320320320


Optimized ratio x3.3

Optimized score





MP ratio x2.0



MP ratio x2.0



MP ratio x2.0


Optimized Single core Multi core Quad core Workstation
Maximum 2952590559055887
Average 1063212221222120
Geometric 871173717371735
Harmonic 741147814781476
Minimum 395790790790
# Kernel name
1. Hydro fragment 1934386738673869
2. ICCG excerpt (Incomplete Cholesky Conjugate Gradient) 855170917091711
3. Inner product 1316263126312632
4. Banded linear equations 1015202920292029
5. Tri-diagonal elimination, below diagonal 411822822822
6. General linear recurrence equations 830166016601661
7. Equation of state fragment 2672533553355334
8. ADI integration 2664534253425341
9. Integrate predictors 2952590559055887
10. Difference predictors 556111311131113
11. First sum 739147714771478
12. First difference 583116511651166
13. 2-D PIC (Particle In Cell) 424847847848
14. 1-D PIC (Particle In Cell) 708137113711371
15. Casual Fortran. Development version 395790790790
16. Monte Carlo search loop 742147714771464
17. Implicit, conditional computation 914182818281828
18. 2-D explicit hydrodynamics fragment 1369273727372737
19. General linear recurrence equations 454908908909
20. Discrete ordinates transport, conditional recurrence on xx 403807807807
21. Matrix*matrix product 1325265326532653
22. Planckian distribution 511102210221022
23. 2-D implicit hydrodynamics fragment 1095219121912190
24. Find location of first minimum in array 634124612461213