Version 3.3.0
Date 03:53 22/06/2024
Compiler cc (Debian 12.2.0-14) 12.2.0
Logical cores 2
CPU name Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E6300 @ 1.86GHz
Comment Intel Core 2 Duo E6300 @ 1.86 GHz / Conroe / 2MB cache / 64-bit Linux Debian 12


Overall score





MP ratio x2.0



MP ratio x2.0



MP ratio x2.0


Non optimized Single core Multi core Quad core Workstation
Maximum 469965965930
Average 246502502490
Geometric 227461461450
Harmonic 211426426415
Minimum 123231231223
# Kernel name
1. Hydro fragment 382871871857
2. ICCG excerpt (Incomplete Cholesky Conjugate Gradient) 269515515505
3. Inner product 228468468462
4. Banded linear equations 243494494485
5. Tri-diagonal elimination, below diagonal 198475475464
6. General linear recurrence equations 169337337328
7. Equation of state fragment 469933933930
8. ADI integration 339686686663
9. Integrate predictors 457965965922
10. Difference predictors 153315315300
11. First sum 149291291283
12. First difference 123301301290
13. 2-D PIC (Particle In Cell) 125231231223
14. 1-D PIC (Particle In Cell) 156273273270
15. Casual Fortran. Development version 206409409409
16. Monte Carlo search loop 195390390379
17. Implicit, conditional computation 372762762738
18. 2-D explicit hydrodynamics fragment 238476476464
19. General linear recurrence equations 203408408398
20. Discrete ordinates transport, conditional recurrence on xx 348690690689
21. Matrix*matrix product 161322322309
22. Planckian distribution 293582582581
23. 2-D implicit hydrodynamics fragment 289571571548
24. Find location of first minimum in array 139280280270


Optimized ratio x3.2

Optimized score





MP ratio x1.9



MP ratio x1.9



MP ratio x2.0


Optimized Single core Multi core Quad core Workstation
Maximum 2517476747675014
Average 918177817781831
Geometric 755147214721508
Harmonic 645126212621288
Minimum 346691691692
# Kernel name
1. Hydro fragment 1668322832283305
2. ICCG excerpt (Incomplete Cholesky Conjugate Gradient) 727142014201468
3. Inner product 1152222922292289
4. Banded linear equations 874169416941756
5. Tri-diagonal elimination, below diagonal 361719719721
6. General linear recurrence equations 708139413941417
7. Equation of state fragment 2322429642964520
8. ADI integration 2244437443744531
9. Integrate predictors 2517476747675014
10. Difference predictors 484947947974
11. First sum 639124312431306
12. First difference 4979629621016
13. 2-D PIC (Particle In Cell) 371726726742
14. 1-D PIC (Particle In Cell) 621116611661198
15. Casual Fortran. Development version 346691691692
16. Monte Carlo search loop 658128812881307
17. Implicit, conditional computation 802160116011603
18. 2-D explicit hydrodynamics fragment 1199235723572397
19. General linear recurrence equations 398795795796
20. Discrete ordinates transport, conditional recurrence on xx 353706706706
21. Matrix*matrix product 1158226022602322
22. Planckian distribution 447868868893
23. 2-D implicit hydrodynamics fragment 959191719171917
24. Find location of first minimum in array 537101710171055