Version 3.3.0
Date 09:31 27/11/2024
Compiler Apple clang version 15.0.0 (clang-1500.3.9.4)
Logical cores 2
Model ID iPhone7,2
CPU name Apple A8 / T7000-64bit
Comment Apple A8 / iPhone 6 / Year 2014


Overall score





MP ratio x1.8



MP ratio x1.8



MP ratio x1.6


Non optimized Single core Multi core Quad core Workstation
Maximum 541990990900
Average 251452452412
Geometric 225403403368
Harmonic 201361361329
Minimum 88.1162162144
# Kernel name
1. Hydro fragment 365671671609
2. ICCG excerpt (Incomplete Cholesky Conjugate Gradient) 304557557487
3. Inner product 206377377322
4. Banded linear equations 192344344310
5. Tri-diagonal elimination, below diagonal 155278278256
6. General linear recurrence equations 162297297275
7. Equation of state fragment 541990990900
8. ADI integration 360662662597
9. Integrate predictors 457837837743
10. Difference predictors 130232232208
11. First sum 116210210197
12. First difference 135248248226
13. 2-D PIC (Particle In Cell) 88.1162162144
14. 1-D PIC (Particle In Cell) 135246246228
15. Casual Fortran. Development version 328582582554
16. Monte Carlo search loop 176310310296
17. Implicit, conditional computation 325567567528
18. 2-D explicit hydrodynamics fragment 324574574514
19. General linear recurrence equations 164289289261
20. Discrete ordinates transport, conditional recurrence on xx 291516516481
21. Matrix*matrix product 198350350341
22. Planckian distribution 401705705643
23. 2-D implicit hydrodynamics fragment 321574574517
24. Find location of first minimum in array 153263263240


Optimized ratio x3.5

Optimized score





MP ratio x1.6



MP ratio x1.6



MP ratio x1.4


Optimized Single core Multi core Quad core Workstation
Maximum 2700479247924320
Average 979161416141398
Geometric 831135413541176
Harmonic 712115711571011
Minimum 349553553482
# Kernel name
1. Hydro fragment 1506268926892338
2. ICCG excerpt (Incomplete Cholesky Conjugate Gradient) 737138213821119
3. Inner product 61810611061886
4. Banded linear equations 860136813681216
5. Tri-diagonal elimination, below diagonal 349605605549
6. General linear recurrence equations 370682682629
7. Equation of state fragment 2700479247924320
8. ADI integration 2315403740373380
9. Integrate predictors 1779302530252358
10. Difference predictors 846144514451106
11. First sum 476775775617
12. First difference 1062171517151485
13. 2-D PIC (Particle In Cell) 350553553482
14. 1-D PIC (Particle In Cell) 590929929800
15. Casual Fortran. Development version 941149314931293
16. Monte Carlo search loop 1100167716771518
17. Implicit, conditional computation 973144314431267
18. 2-D explicit hydrodynamics fragment 1475227422741992
19. General linear recurrence equations 362559559505
20. Discrete ordinates transport, conditional recurrence on xx 950146314631341
21. Matrix*matrix product 1071164216421529
22. Planckian distribution 748113211321009
23. 2-D implicit hydrodynamics fragment 875134113411195
24. Find location of first minimum in array 435665665607