Version 3.3.0
Date 09:30 27/11/2024
Compiler Apple clang version 15.0.0 (clang-1500.3.9.4)
Logical cores 2
Model ID iPhone6,1
CPU name Apple A7 / 8960X-64bit
Comment Apple A7 / iPhone 5S / Year 2013


Overall score





MP ratio x1.9



MP ratio x1.9



MP ratio x1.8


Non optimized Single core Multi core Quad core Workstation
Maximum 410790790719
Average 200388388351
Geometric 179346346314
Harmonic 161311311282
Minimum 77.7155155135
# Kernel name
1. Hydro fragment 309603603523
2. ICCG excerpt (Incomplete Cholesky Conjugate Gradient) 263516516446
3. Inner product 140274274240
4. Banded linear equations 127245245229
5. Tri-diagonal elimination, below diagonal 131251251232
6. General linear recurrence equations 121234234218
7. Equation of state fragment 405781781715
8. ADI integration 286552552507
9. Integrate predictors 410790790719
10. Difference predictors 102190190168
11. First sum 94.6180180172
12. First difference 125244244215
13. 2-D PIC (Particle In Cell) 77.7155155135
14. 1-D PIC (Particle In Cell) 113219219197
15. Casual Fortran. Development version 226432432400
16. Monte Carlo search loop 149284284272
17. Implicit, conditional computation 249480480434
18. 2-D explicit hydrodynamics fragment 256495495441
19. General linear recurrence equations 117230230203
20. Discrete ordinates transport, conditional recurrence on xx 228452452411
21. Matrix*matrix product 157306306294
22. Planckian distribution 329642642569
23. 2-D implicit hydrodynamics fragment 267506506471
24. Find location of first minimum in array 128244244220


Optimized ratio x3.4

Optimized score





MP ratio x1.7



MP ratio x1.7



MP ratio x1.4


Optimized Single core Multi core Quad core Workstation
Maximum 1942329632962824
Average 789133313331119
Geometric 65911111111931
Harmonic 554932932782
Minimum 225364364312
# Kernel name
1. Hydro fragment 1213230623061921
2. ICCG excerpt (Incomplete Cholesky Conjugate Gradient) 52310381038776
3. Inner product 55510391039830
4. Banded linear equations 739127412741044
5. Tri-diagonal elimination, below diagonal 274482482400
6. General linear recurrence equations 331573573520
7. Equation of state fragment 1937328432842824
8. ADI integration 1942329632962765
9. Integrate predictors 1639275227522235
10. Difference predictors 67411561156944
11. First sum 295485485402
12. First difference 1012154115411392
13. 2-D PIC (Particle In Cell) 312501501414
14. 1-D PIC (Particle In Cell) 501809809694
15. Casual Fortran. Development version 867137713771178
16. Monte Carlo search loop 892141414141233
17. Implicit, conditional computation 534893893729
18. 2-D explicit hydrodynamics fragment 1300209620961804
19. General linear recurrence equations 225364364312
20. Discrete ordinates transport, conditional recurrence on xx 71311801180970
21. Matrix*matrix product 981164516451413
22. Planckian distribution 61710281028837
23. 2-D implicit hydrodynamics fragment 486810810678
24. Find location of first minimum in array 385640640551